
Seattle and the Sci-Fi Museum.

Went down to Seattle to visit the Sci-Fi Museum and Hall of Fame. Simpson, Kelly, Nads, Chemko, and I all crammed into Chemko's car and we blazed down there at the crack of dawn. The drive down was uneventful, with the exception of Chemko's "check engine" light turning on partway down, giving us all a slight sense of dread.

Once in Seattle, we went straight to Mcdonalds for lunch (barf), thinking we were short on time. There I ate a horrible quarter pounder that came, by default, with NO VEGGIES AT ALL on it. After lunch we crossed the street and went to the SFM. The museum was very neat -- and super nerdy -- but I was a little disappointed at how short it was. I was literally in disbelief when I reached a sign marked "exit". Anyway, since it was so short, we had time to kill, so Simps and I decided it was worth the $12 USD to visit the top of the Space Needle. The view was nice. After all these shenanigans, we went for dinner at some awful restaurant called "Outback" which is the American equivalent of Montana's. Blech. Seattle itself was pretty grungy and not worth exploring any further, so after dinner we booked it out of there, hoping to make it back to Vancouver in time for Nads and I to catch the late ferry home. Playing with my cellphone, I recorded a portion of the exit.

At some point during the trip, I mentioned Russell Peter's impression of a Vietnamese guy swearing (now say this really fast): "Hey! F*ck you, you f*cking blowjob!" and somehow this became the trip slogan. We screamed it at each other the whole way home, and even went so far as to order a "f*cking blowjob" from a Timmy's drivethrough. (Interesting sidenote - they gave us twice the timbits we ordered!) So that was awesome.
Anyway, we got to the ferry terminal only to realize that Saturday has no sailings after 5:45 pm (retarded) so we crashed at Kelly's place. End of story. Pictures are here.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I've posted some more pictures of the trip...
