
Birthday wishlist time!

Let me put this out there: I'm not doing this for me, I'm doing it for you. It's not about greed, it's about compassion. So many times I've heard, "Aww Chris, you're so hard to buy gifts for because you have everything you want!" Well, yeah. It's true.

But here are some ideas! Things I don't have that I want! Do you see how I'm helping you? :p

Ok here goes: (the links are just for illustration, btw)

1. Blue Canucks Hoodie XL
2. Pre-order on Rock Band bundle X360
3. Basslink 10X10 Self amplified Subwoofer
4. Future Shop Gift Certificates
5. A nice 256Mb Radeon PCI Video Card
6. Other ideas (You'll have to search for me.)

So there you go.


What makes a boy happy. Vol. 1

Some Mondays are worse than others.

Some jerk drove his car into my office.

Like, INTO my office.

Fortunately it was Saturday night when it happened, or else I would have been creamed.

You may have heard about a high speed chase taking place...?

According to the police, the dude was quite suicidal when he sped through the intersection at Bowen and Northfield doing over 100 km/h. He aimed for the bus stop in front of our building, smashed into another car, sending it out of control, then flew over the curb, obliterating the bus stop and knocking over a street pole, then crashed down the embankment, through my window, and landed his car in my office, where it immediately burst into flames.

Rescuers said he was so suicidal, he wouldn't even let them pull him out of the car while he burned. They did anyway.

So yeah.

Now we have to determine if I can even go back in there, or if the building will collapse. Woo.