
A glad heart, full belly, and swollen embouchure.

Went to my mom's for Easter dinner tonight. Visited, blah blah blah.

At one point I was randomly inspired to dig out my old trombone and see if I could still "do" it eight years later. Fortunately, Mom still had the Yamaha Band Student starter guide (for reminding about what positions do what, etc.). So after a quick cleaning of the mouthpiece, I was off tooting.

Unbelievably, it WAS sort of like riding a bike. I remembered a metric %$&@tonne from the bandgeek days, and blazed through the whole course in an hour or two. I rocked the place with newbie arrangements of "Camptown Races", "All Through the Night", and others.

But that said, my mouth feels like ground hamburger.

All you ladies are going to have to hold off on kissing me for at least a day or two until I have feeling again. :P


Anonymous said...

What? No Randy birthday blog entry?

RockyDil said...

in time, good simpson, in time