

Ahhhhh...... <------ That is a sigh of satisfaction.

Nads, Mattie and I returned to the old ways this week and had us a stat retreat. For those of you not in the know, that means pretty much doing horrendously geeky things like playing D&D, Settlers, DS games, and reading fantasy novels uninterrupted, etc, while camping and enjoying nature. It's an odd combo, we'd be the first to admit, but the results have been proven to be excellent.

Once again we made our pilgrimage to Miracle Beach, listening to the traditional STATMIX. Once at the site, we basically spent the next few days doing the above, as well as hanging out at the beach, playing with fire, being totally crude, and of course, stuffing our faces.

I took some photos and put them on Flickr.

Can't wait for the stat retreat '08! WOOO!


Peter Tyrrell said...

D&D while camping? Damn you and your bold ingenuity! And your free time! I'd have to destroy a handful of marriages in order to get my old D&D group back together for even a couple of hours.

Jaded Old Bag said...

Peter, Peter, Peter...marriages don't need to suffer at all. Just hand over the Visa and send the ladies off to the mall. You'll get multiple hours of free time.