
Just because you asked.

Yeah yeah yeah.

Anyways, here's the quick and dirty list of neat things going on in my life right now:

1. Randy had a surprise birthday party. Fun was had. Pics are somewhere in my facebook stuff. We all ganged up and got him a DS and stuff for his upcoming time in surgery recovery.

2. Um... D20 Modern is actually pretty neat.

3. Uhhh...I saw "The Secret", and while I thought most of it was ludicrous and retarded, it HAS inspired me to have a better attitude about life in general, and to appreciate everything around me. So far the payoff has been terrific.

4. Hmmm...Britt got engaged. She's happy. I'm happy she's happy. I'm NOT engaged. I'm happy about that too.

5. I've started saving for the kayak fund. I WILL NOT REST until Nads and I go kayaking in the Yukon, as planned.

6. I bought a new car. Saturn LS2. It's luxurious and fast.

7. Uncle Ted (Fraser)'s recovery has been swift, and he and Lynne even got to come home for the weekend. It was nice seeing them again (especially seeing Ted walking around without tubes and oxygen canisters) and it was also great to eat home-cooked food -- which I've seriously been lacking.

Yeah that's about it. Stop badgering me to update this thing for a little while, eh?

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