
Creedence Clearwater Said It Best

"Gonna Run Through The Jungle."

I saw Apocalyto tonight. For a time it looked as though I might be cockblocked by my own stubborn refusal to go to the movies alone, but fortunately Mattie came through for me and opted to come out to see a movie he clearly had little interest in. Good on you, Mattie! Now what happened to the other people I invited? Hrm?

One person neglected to respond to my invite or didn't receive my message in time.
Another planned to come, but something came up.
Another wanted to come, but needed to go to bed early due to a very early morning obligation.
Another already had plans - fair enough. It was Saturday night after all.
Two others came, but sat elsewhere together.

So there I was at the movies with Mattie - are rare occurence for just the two of us to be out. I LOLed on the inside to note that he carried on the Fraser family tradition of leaving a seat between us. What? Are we at the urinals or something? Anyway, I treated myself to a bag of popcorn and (shamefully) ate the whole thing -- grease and all. Note: the girl at the concession tried to rip me off by 95 cents. I caught her. The dumbass.

So the movie was neat. I'm too lazy to review it here but you can click on the Flixter thingie over here ------> somewhere to see my basic thoughts. Mattie didn't dig it.

I'm (yawn) through.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I decided to check out your blog after you mentioned it and I didn't know the audience could participate...anyway, Chris, I think you have a flair for this blog thing. Don't fight it 'cause I'm entertained and that's all that matters. I digress, the reason I am commenting is to be a bit of an ass and tell you to "whatch out buster," don't you think you were a little harsh in saying that the girl at the movies was a "dumbass?" I'm sorry but Kharma might kick you in the pants for judging her like that. What? You don't make mistakes there big shot...that's what I thought. Anyway don't mind me I just thought I'd leave my thoughts on the matter, I'm not trying to be a dick:)
Nice read otherwise