
Geekend Cometh.

It's been talked about for a long time.

THE GEEKEND. A marathon of gaming. No girlfriends, no interruptions, no consideration towards one's health, and most importantly, no sunlight. From March 30th until April 1st, my pad will be converted into a geek nest. Cupboards will be cleaned out and filled with junk food, freezers will be stocked with beef and ice cream, and redundant furniture will be removed and replaced with blankets and cushions.

Kelly and Simpson will be trekking over from the mainland, and I expect to see my local homeboys all here too. Others are welcome!

On the menu are the following, so if you're coming, GET PRACTICING:

DOA 4 -- newish and in Hi-Def glory! Main competitors: Mattie, Chris, Kelly.

NHL 2K7 -- Clearly, a must. Main competitors: Simpson, Kelly, Chris.

DDR Universe -- just so we aren't completely lazy. Main competitors: Chris, Mattie.

This one's prolly for the late night stretch. Main competitors: Chris, Mattie.

The soul STILL burns...(if Kelly brings his DC). Main competitors: Everyone except Randy. :p

And finally, the 800lb gorilla of geekery -- ROMANCE. This one will keep everyone one up ALL NIGHT. Main competitors: Randy, Mattie.

But enough about the games, there will bee food too! After all, a pile of geeks hafta eat. Weather permitting, the BBQ will be fired up and my famous Bard burger pucks will be consumed. Hopefully, Devon will be there to create some fancy noodly dish as well.

Anyway, everyone (nerdy) welcome! If you have spare 360 controllers/battery packs, bring em! See you at the GEEKEND.


The slap heard 'round the world.

Played some DDR tonight with Mattie and Cari. As we were bumping off songs, improving high scores etc, the temperature in the living room continually climbed until it was like a gym sock in here. Since I was trying to get through a particularly taxing 215 BPM techno ditty with lots of jumps, I decided to shuck my jeans and get on some gym shorts.

I came back to the dance mat to try the song again.

Now, if you're unfamiliar with DDR, let me explain how it works. DDR is a music game where instead of pushing buttons in time with the music, one dances on a (supplied) dance mat. On the mat are four directions: up, down, left, and right. As the music plays, the screen displays all the steps you need to make in order to pass the song. As the difficulty increases, the commands come flying at you extremely quickly. Also, sometimes you'll see two directions at once. These are not steps, but in fact, jumps. Lots of jumping leads to lots of sweating.

AAAAAAaaaaaaaannnnnyway, I was givin' er on this brutal techno song, and was jumping around like a fool when suddenly as I made a jumping transition to <- and -> at once, there was heard in my house a tremendous SLAP!

Everyone was sort of silent for a sec, until the gales of laughter began (note I was still furiously dancing at this point). Yeah that's right. My balls had smacked into my leg whilst I was bouncing around. Of course Cari and Mattie couldn't contain themselves and I could barely stay on my feet long enough to finish the song. Needless to say, for the next song I was practically riverdancing in order to prevent that unfortunate event from reoccurring.

Oh, DDR. So new, and yet already creating such beautiful memories.


Felinus! I choose you!

Took some animal pics today whilst cleansing my abode. I share.


Moment of epiphany tonight.

So, as some of you may know, I've been playing a lot of DDR. This freaking game makes me sweat every time I play (a good thing). After tonight's hopping around, while covered in a sheen of salinated excrete, I came to a conclusion. You know how whenever you see someone playing one of these games in public, it's a 98-lb Asian kid? Well, I don't think they play because they're 98-lb Asians. I think they're 98-lb Asians because they play. Whew!

Anyway, I got Randy playing the other day -- and I think he enjoyed it -- and tonight I had Mattie give it a whirl. Except this time I was smart and photodocumented it. I hopped up with my camera during a song so he could do nothing. Muahahaha!

And here I am posting said pics on the internet, likely drawing aggro.



So I discovered this...

This is an image from the upcoming Kiwi movie, Black Sheep. Basically, some scientific experiment goes wrong, and the sheep become crazed killers. Awesome. I highly recommend checking out the trailer.