
Bye, Bye Baby It's Been Sweet Now

Little to note today except that I wrote my so-called "massive" Tax final in the morning. Either I'm super smart, the exam was super easy, or I totally bombed, because I was out of there in less than two hours.

Anyway, the key point here is that as I was walking back to my car through torrential downpour, I was thinking about how I was pretty much done school in terms of real work (PHIL should be a pushover on Thurs.) and how I was pretty much a free person.

I started grinning like an idiot.

I got in my car, turned it on and what starts playing? Fucking Freebird. OMG. I totally had a moment.


Peter Tyrrell said...

Wa-ha! I finds you! And links you alos. Am I hopings to see you Christame-time? Much good times.


P.S. Not going back to fix my faux spelling mistakes was really hard.

RockyDil said...

I'd down with Christame-time.